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Florence, School President, at the community water source.

There are many leading women who we honor and celebrate today, International Women’s Day 2015.  From leaders around the world, our nonprofit partners, and those in our own Bitcoin community.

Most prominent in our minds today are the women and girls who we recently met near Kakamega, Kenya while visiting our bitcoin-funded water well at Shisango Girls Secondary School.

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Crissie (The Water Project) and Juliet (School Principal) with the girls at their morning assembly.


The leading women with our partners at The Water Project, local partners at Bridge Water Project, teachers and administrators at the school are all equally as inspiring as the girls attending the school and aspiring to become our leaders of tomorrow!

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Celebrating clean, safe water at the school!

Clean, safe water for these inspirational young women and their community will unlock their potential to learn, grow, and lead their lives toward a very bright future.


What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day!